Wednesday, 21 May 2008

How the ‘community’ could have been saved.

Abandonware Council. Plain and simple. Whilst many people shudder at the thought and in many this might sound like an uneducated proposal, this would have clearly helped, yet if not saved – the scene. The old argument of “This has already been tried and tested – you’re not adding anything new here!” is what you’ll hear when conversing about this subject. But if we look back, many of the former ‘community’ sites where actually swaying in that direction, discreetly (more notably TAG & DFL) and you know what? We actually enjoyed them, infact whole heartedly supported them.

To some thoughts of an ‘Abandonware Council’ would reflect ‘said’ person being the ‘Abandonware Mayor’ with a bunch of cronies uttering ‘We’re holier than thou.” But people, I don’t mean that as such – I mean a democratic hierarchy with a well placed infrastructure. Here is what such a proposal would mean;

Every six months a democratically elected person with a committee would be voted in.
These individuals would be in charge of initiatives such as;

-Monthly / Annual - Abandonware-Awards
-The official Oldwarez list
-Consistently updated Abandonware FAQ
-Basic web-designers (something I advised Bobosama to do for his EchoRing members)
-A well-organized ICAS style website – something that would be a big contribution.
-A main forum.
-Obviously reviews & Interviews.

So, in retrospect – I believe this would have worked. And if this had been in place – today you’d not even be reading this pathetic excuse for a community site. Discuss.


Neopickaze said...

The abandonware community was/is built around backscratching and massaging each others ego's.

The true abandonware fans are the ones who just get the games and play the hell out of them.

A council could be a good idea, but the Club Echo toilets did just the same purpose :)

Unknown said...

Saint: old friend, you are assuming the community wants to be saved.

Time moves on, and all things do not stay as they are..they never do.

The Saint said...

NeoPickaze: So we're all fake abandonware fans then, for conversing with each other? ;P

Nice to see you around mate, whats it been - two years now?

Shadrach: Nice to see you around to! It took me sometime to work out who you was! I'm not going to spell it out as it's not my buisness to :) But you know - I think the 'community' is going through a very stale patch - I'm more then certain *now* that there is still a lot more to come.

The scene is like Rocky Balboa - theres still something left in the basement.

Unknown said...

You're to be commended...and you've come a loong way, as we all have.

[joke] Isn't there some law against you and 3k being on the internet at the same time? [/joke]

Anonymous said...

AFAIK, there was an abandonware council briefly, I think either just before I opened my first site or not long after. Cant recall exactly though. It mustve been late 90s or early 2000. Creosote or Elwood would prob know more.

The dude formerly known as Lunatic.

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