Sunday, 6 April 2008

New Era.


With the demise of; AWNU, DFL and our recent saviour Abandonware Blog - all being closed down, I've took it upon myself to lead-on, where they unfortunately ended.

Abandonware Gazette, will take a different approach on the scene though, with more thought-provoking, cutting edge, and updated articles of the AW scene, will make it that more entertaining to read.

"What are you babbling on about, what Abandonware scene? It's completely dead!"

I hear you scream! It's not absolutely dead - and with the entrance of the Gazette, I hope to establish a congregation of people, right here - as to be totally honest, at the momment there isn't anywhere else decent, to actually communicate. (In the AW scene)

Thanks for listening & stay tuned.

-The Saint


Anonymous said...

Thnx for reviving the scene, Saint....we shall call this a renaissance of sorts!!

Anonymous said...

Woot! Nice to see some ackshun!

Hope this place becomes some kind of Abandonware hub, like DFL once was :)

Anonymous said...

Long live Abandonware Gazette :D

Unknown said...

Looking good so far. Looking forward to many more articles!

Anonymous said...

mongy, The Saint, this brings back memories !